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‘China trying to conceal reality of political repression in Tibet’

Naresh K Thakur, Hindustan Times|September 3, 2014

In blatant attack on China, Sikyong (Tibetan Prime Minister-in- exile) Lobsang Sangay on Tuesday said that the Communist government was concealing the reality of ongoing political repression in Tibet through a pre-meditated propaganda, painting an extremely pleasant and peaceful picture of Tibet.

“A recently-held ‘2014 forum on Development of Tibet, China’ and it’s so- called Lhasa Consensus was yet another shot at concealing the reality of ongoing Chinese political repression in Tibet,” said Sangay while addressing a gathering of the exiled community on the 54th anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day.

The day commemorates the taking over of office by members of the first Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on September 2, 1960.

The recent dreadful event of Chinese police firing on demonstrators in a Tibet village, Sangay said, represents the denial of basic human rights and depicts ‘misrepresented’ and ‘inaccurate’ statement in the consensus.

Extending warm greetings to fellow Tibetans on the occasion, Sangay said that spiritual leader the Dalai Lama’s vision of democracy has been transformative experience for Tibetans. “We express our heartfelt gratitude to His Holiness Dalai Lama for granting the Tibetan people the precious gift of democracy,” said Sangay.

“The gift of democracy given to us by the Dalai Lama has provided us with a voice and the power to influence our own future. We must ensure our compatriots in Tibet enjoy the similar rights to live in freedom and with dignity,” he added.

On the half- a-century-old Tibetan struggle for freedom, Sangay said, “We will never lose hope and will continue our non-violent struggle till His Holiness can be once again reunited with our brothers and sisters in Tibet”.


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