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US Bill and Congressional Visit to Dharamshala Marks the Beginning of a New Era for Tibet

Unanimous passage of a new Bill by both Houses of the US Congress and the visit of a high-level bipartisan Congress delegation to Dharamshala and New Delhi are signs of beginning of a new era for Tibet and Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom from Chinese colonial occupation. It also offers a perfect opportunity for New Delhi and all those governments who see threats to their sovereignty and national interests from a rogue and bullying China to recalibrate their China policy.

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Why has the Indian Government consistently overlooked the great 14th Dalai Lama for the Bharat Ratna

By Thutop Gyaltsen 

Preamble and Veneer of Bharat Ratna

The term “Bharat Ratna” means “Jewel of India,” and it is the highest civilian award of the Republic of India. It can be conferred upon any individual worldwide for remarkable contributions to humanity. Instituted on January 2, 1954, the award recognises “exceptional service or performance of the highest order,” without distinction of race, occupation, position, or gender. Initially limited to achievements in arts, literature, science, and public service, the criteria were expanded in December 2011 to include “any field of human endeavour.”

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China Not Concealing Territorial Ambitions

By: N.S.Venkataraman.
China has recently unveiled its new “standard map” for 2023, incorporating the territories of nearby countries as its own. This action leaves little room for doubt about China’s territorial ambitions. On the contrary, it reinforces the widespread belief that the current leadership in China is resolute in pursuing its territorial expansion plans. China makes no attempt to veil its intentions, having clearly announced them to neighbouring and nearby countries.

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 China’a miscalculation will prove costly

Signals from China indicate that the Chinese government has evolved a strategy and action plan, to be partly implemented in the medium term and the rest to be implemented in long term and emerge as the most dominant country in the world.  Obviously, it aims to emerge as a single superpower in the world, effectively dislodging the USA from the present superpower status and significantly reducing the influence of Russia and the European Union in the world.

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