Beijing summit shows Xi in charge as trouble lurks

[AP] BEIJING, Nov 10: As he hosts President Barack Obama and other world leaders, China’s President Xi Jinping appears firmly in charge of a vast but stable communist state boasting the world’s second-largest economy. Look closer, though, and things aren’t so tidy: Growth is slowing, ethnic and political unrest persist — including an unprecedented protest movement in Hong Kong. And relations with China’s neighbors are dogged by conflicts over territory and history.

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Three Tibetans sentenced to up to 3 years in prison on murder charge in connection with self-immolation

DHRAMSALA, Nov 5: Three Tibetans have been sentenced to up to three years in prison on alleged ‘murder charge’ in Meruma, Ngaba County in Amdo Province (incorporated into present day Sichuan) in connection with a Tibetan man’s self-immolation last year in the same county, Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet, a Dharamsala-based Tibetan ex-political prisoners’ organization made the announcement at a press conference held here today.

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