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Human rights situation in Tibet continues to deteriorate especially after XI’s annexation of power: TCHRD annual report

DHARAMSALA, 26 April: ”Human rights abuses and political repression have reached the level of ‘crimes against humanity, with an increasing number of cases of extrajudicial killings, torture, and arbitrary detention being committed in a wide-ranging and systematic manner,” the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), a Dharamsala-based rights group said in its annual report.

Human rights situation in Tibet continues to deteriorate, the TCHRD said in its annual report released earlier today’s as it declared that the situation “presents a disturbing picture of deprivation and abuses, marked by persistent and grave human rights violations, including, absence of independent space for free speech owing to the widespread and systematic crackdown on any sign of peaceful dissent.

The Tibetan rights group stated that the Human rights situation in Tibet took a turn for the worse since Xi Jinping became president of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) reporting “a surge in arbitrary arrests and detention, extrajudicial killings enabling the culture of endemic and systematic torture.”

“Secret and incommunicado detention remains rampant as more Tibetans are arbitrarily detained for so-called criminal acts of possessing the Dalai Lama’s photos or advocating for environmental, cultural and language rights,” the report said and declared that “2020 saw oppressive policies and practices such as continued state patronage of the ‘stability maintenance’, ‘ethnic unity,’ and the ‘anti-gang crime’ campaigns at the Seventh Tibet Work Forum and in the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025).” 

The annual report also highlighted how “Chinese authorities continued to implement harsh policies of forced assimilation and ill-advised development, all in the name of ‘stability maintenance.’ This has resulted in grave violations of political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights.”

The rights group further stated that “China actively uses development as a tool to penetrate deeper into Tibetan society in order to preserve ‘stability maintenance’, or absolute political control in Tibet.”

The report further declared that restrictions on freedom of expression and opinion remained harsh and worsened in 2020” as China employed “the use of repressive directives, including, among others, bans on using virtual private networks (VPN) and joining online discussion groups accused of working to split the country and undermine national unity.”

The tri-lingual annual report released in Tibetan, English and Chinese declared that human rights violations continue to occur in Tibet on a daily basis in the absence of intervention from the international community.

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy is a registered non-governmental human rights organisation established in January 1996 in Dharamsala (India) with the mission to protect the human rights of the Tibetan people in Tibet and promote the principles of democracy in the exile Tibetan community.

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