6th International Rangzen Conference begins in Delhi a day after India’s 77th Independence Day
The Delhi Declaration of Tibetan, Uyghur, and Southern Mongolian Rangzenpas
This is the Declaration by the 6th International Rangzen Conference held in Delhi from 16-19 August 2023. This Declaration was formulated with the cross-movement allies from the Uyghur and the Southern Mongolian communities after first two days of deliberation on various aspects of Chinese imperialism, hegemony, and its aggressive colonial rule in Tibet, East Turkestan (Uyghuriye) and Southern Mongolia.
Let this land, the capital of India, on the occasion of its seventy-seventh year of independence bear witness this Declaration:
We declare that we know one day we will break free from Chinese occupation and will proudly hoist national flags of our respective nations and stand together among other international countries as free and independent Tibet, East Turkestan (Uyghuriye) and Southern Mongolia.
We condemn the illegal occupation of Tibet, East Turkistan (Uyghuriye), and Southern Mongolia by China in the strongest terms. The abusive colonial policies of China aimed at the erasure of our respective cultures, nations, and identities from their vibrant existence, amounts to nothing less than a practice of cultural genocide. We declare and reaffirm that we will stand strongly, courageously, and unitedly fight to ensure the end of China’s rule in our countries.
We urge the international communities, free nations, NGOs, and the freedom-loving people of the world who respect universal principles of liberty, fraternity, equality, sovereignty and dignity to call upon China to immediately end the illegal colonial occupation of Tibet, East Turkestan (Uyghuriye) and Southern Mongolia. We remind the international community to respect our long-cherished dream and aspiration for the freedom and independence from China.
- A Common Alliance organization, forming a coalition of China occupied nations with common goal for independence, should be established.
- Members of the Common Alliance should organize International Independence (Rangzen) Conference from time to time.
- Members of the Common Alliance should collectively make a common platform in the cyberspace and make use of the social media.
- Members of the Common Alliance should collaborate and support each other while campaigning in our respective movements.
- While campaigning and lobbying at various international stages, every member of the Common Alliance should attempt to highlight the situation of Chinese oppression in their homeland, as well as in other China-occupied nations.
- An exchange program among the youth of the Common Alliance member states should be promoted to create greater awareness among the new generation.
- Members of the Common Alliance should recognize and declare the historical status of independence of all the member states.
- Common Alliance members should counter China’s propaganda calendar days in relation to Chinese occupation and oppression in Tibet, Southern Mongolia, and East Turkestan (Uyghuriye).
- Members of the Common Alliance should firmly and resolutely reject official Chinese propaganda maps, names, and “ethnicity” divisions based on false historical and territorial claims in China-occupied nations.
- The future of Tibet, East Turkestan (Uyghyuriye), and Southern Mongolia lies in the establishment of the China-occupied countries as free and independent nations and the strength of our movements lies in the persistent struggling for the independence of our nations.
- While raising concerns on human rights or environment in China-occupied countries the central focus must remain on the issue of sovereignty of Tibet, East Turkestan (Uyghuriye) and Southern Mongolia.
- Campaigns should be collaboratively organized aimed at the ongoing G-20 Summit.
- Finally, we the Rangzenpas along with our cross-movement allies from the Uyghur and Southern Mongolian communities through this conference urge the Central Tibetan Administration not to place hope in China for the resolution on the issue of Tibet and move on to the path of seeking independence of Tibet.
(Jointly signed and proclaimed on 17th August 2023)