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‘Atal, PM gave in to China, Nehru died because of it’

The Financial Express | May 1, 2014

Mulayam Singh Yadav Wednesday accused Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee of succumbing to Chinese aggression and said Jawaharlal Nehru had died of shock after China’s attack on India.

Mulayam, who has usually avoided attacking Vajpayee, said at a campaign meeting in Faizabad, “First, BJP’s PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee succumbed and accepted that Tibet is part of China even when Tibet was our friendly nation and we had no threat from its borders. Manmohan Singh too accepted Vajpayee’s blunder and handed over Tibet to China.”

“Our country had suffered due to the weak governments who could not defend national interest. There is no difference between Congress and BJP. Now China is eyeing Indian territories. We have greatest a threat from China and our government is not understanding this fact,” Mulayam said.

“After Chinese attacked India and captured lakhs of hectares of our land, Nehru suffered a shock and later died. Nehru was not suffering from any illness, but died due to China.” He repeated his words thrice and claimed to stand by his words. “I am not that person who goes back on his words. I am saying this with conviction,” he said.

Mulayam also claimed there is no difference between BJP and Congress as both serve the interests of capitalists. BJP had gained due to weakness of Congress.


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