
CCP appoints new Party Chief of TAR

By Lobsang Tenchoe

DHARAMSALA: August 29: China has appointed Wu Yingjie as the new Party Secretary of Tibet Autonomous Region following a reshuffle of party chiefs on Sunday.

Wu Yingjie replaced Chen Quanguo as the CPC Chief of Tibet Autonomous Region, reports Chinese state media Xinhua, Aug 28.

Wu Yingjie, the newly appointed Party Chief of TAR.

Having developed his entire career in Tibet over the past four decades, Wu has come up through the Communist Party ranks in Tibet. Most notably, Wu has previously served as the Deputy Governor and Propaganda Chief.

China’s outgoing Party Chief of Tibet, Chen Quanguo, 61, is expected to replace Zhang Chunxian as the Party Chief in Xinjiang.

While Zhang, 63 will be reassigned to a semi-retired role similar to that of his predecessor Wang Lequan, reports South China Morning Post, Aug 29.

When the Communist Party meets next year for its National Congress after five years, more reshuffles and appointments are likely as Chinese President XI Jinping will appoint his close allies into the party’s ruling inner core to further cement his hold on power.