Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School to become Middle School
By Lobsang Tenchoe
DHARAMSALA, Sep 26: Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School is set to become middle school, says Ngodup Tsering, Education Kalon (Minister) of the Central Tibetan Administration.

The move was necessitated attending to the growing strength of the students in Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School, the reluctance of the students to shift the school to Tibetan Transit School and to avoid administrative complication, Kalon Ngodup Tsering said earlier today in the Tibetan Parliament.
Hence, it was decided that the students of class IX and X of Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School near Lower TCV School will join Tibetan Sambhota School, Chauntra from the next academic year.
Sambhota Model School, Gangkyi will have students from kindergarten to class III, Mewoen Tsuglag Petoen School near Lower TCV School, having turned into middle school, will have students studying in IV to VIII standards.