
Monk from Ladakh commits suicide near Nechung monastery

By Lobsang Tenchoe

DHARAMSALA, Nov 16: A 42-year-old monk has committed suicide by hanging himself in the woods near Nechung Monastery.

Stok monastery in Leh, Ladakh. image: rltgo.com
Stok monastery in Leh, Ladakh.
image: rltgo.com

“The monk identified as Dhondup Sonam from Stok monastery in Ladakh’s Leh district came to Dharamsala to receive treatment as he was suffering from tuberculosis and diabetes. He was residing at Nechung monastery’s guest house but has been missing for the last two days,” Dawa Rinchen, the Tibetan Settlement Officer of Dharamsala told Tibet Express.

His students found his body hanged in the woods near Nechung monastery around 3 pm today.

The reason for his suicide remains unknown as no suicide notes were recovered.

At the time of the reporting, the local police have taken charge of the monk’s body for further investigation.