
Three Tibetan girls killed, one injured as angry Chinese hotel owner runs SUV on them after squabble

DHARAMSALA, Sep 30: Three Tibetan girls were killed and another seriously injured after they were hit by a car on Sep 25 in Chaksam County in Kardze Prefecture in eastern Tibet.50-300x225

The girls were in the County to appear for government service entrance exam. Their killing followed an altercation over the price of food at the hotel they were staying in. The girls argued with the owner, an ethnic Chinese, that they were being charged more than the price agreed upon earlier.

Immediately after they left the hotel following the incident, the hotel owner’s son got into an SUV and drove over the four Tibetan girls, killing three and seriously injuring the fourth one, said a Tibetan source.49-300x225

On Sep 29, family members, relatives and school mates of the four girls staged a sit in protest against police inaction and demanded justice for the victims’ family in front of the local government building. Some of them, probably the victims’ immediate family members, were seen crying for justice with their knees on the ground and others held placards and pictures of the three deceased girls.

According to Chinese media reports the girls were from Rongdak County in Kardze Prefecture and the incident happened around 9:30 pm on Sep 25.





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