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Tibetans should reflect on situation leading to exile: Karmapa

[PTI] DHARAMSALA, Oct 24: Spiritual leader the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorge today asked Tibetans across the globe to reflect on the circumstances that led them into exile as he reminded them about their responsibility as refugees.

“Tibetans across the globe should reflect on the circumstances that led us into exile and the responsibility as a Tibetan refugee,” the 17th Karmapa said here while speaking during the 55th anniversary celebration of Tibetan Children Village, the residential Tibetan school, here today.

The Karmapa, who heads one of the four sects of Tibetan Buddhism, on the occasion applauded the contribution of TCV staff, teachers and students for preserving the Tibetan identity and culture.

“I applaud your selfless contribution in preserving Tibetan identity and culture and for actualising His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s aspirations. The importance of education is beyond question, especially in this time. Students should have an ambitious attitude towards learning and focus on improvement and excellence,” he said.

Speaker of Tibetan Parliament Penpa Tsering, Religious and Culture Kalon Pema Chhinjor (Representative of Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay), Kalons and members of the Kashag, secretaries and heads of Tibetan governmental and non-governmental organisations among others had attended the event held at TCV headquarter in upper Dharamasala.

An inter-house athletics meet will be held tomorrow followed by a TCV alumni of 1990-batch gathering on the third day following which the anniversary celebration will culminate.

TCV is the largest residential school of the exiled Tibetan community. It was founded in 1960 as a nursery with 51 children and has since become an integrated educational community for Tibetan children in exile, as well as for hundreds of those escaping from Tibet each year. It claims to have over 15,000 children under its care.

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