
Two Tibetans die in detention as authorities continue to deprive treatment to Tibetans with gunshot wounds

DHARAMSALA, Aug 18: Emerging reports from Tibet say two Tibetans have died and scores of them have been detained following the latest shooting incident in eastern Tibet where, according to earlier reports, at least ten Tibetan protesters were sustained gunshot wounds.

According to sources, Lo Palsang of Shugpa Village in Denma Township killed himself on Aug 17 at a detention centre in protest against denial of medical care to the injured and torture by Chinese authorities. Another 22-yr-old Tibetan detainee, whose name could not be confirmed, died on the same day from injuries sustained during the shooting incident.

The detention of Wangdak, a widely respected Tibetan village leader, from his home in the middle of the night in Shugpa Village in Denma town, Sershul County, Kardze Tibet Autonomous Prefecture on Aug 11 had led to the protest by local Tibetans demanding Wangdak’s release.

In response, Chinese police hurled tear gas and opened fire to disperse the unarmed Tibetan protesters. At least ten Tibetans, including Wangdak’s son and brother sustained gunshot wounds.

Sources say Wangdak’s son, Kunga Sherab and several others are in serious condition as the bullets in their body have not been removed, six days after the shooting.

Out of around 700 families in Shugpa Village, except for a few elder members, all the male members over the age of 12 were detained following the shooting incident. As the detention centre at Loshu reached full capacity, those detained later were held at a hospital, where some of them received medical care.

Later, those held at the hospital were brought back to the detention centre and are currently being denied any medical treatment.

Though all the detainees could not be identified, a source with contacts in the region has provided Tibet Express with a list of 25 identified detainees that include Buddhist meditation instructor, Karma Rinchen of Meru monastery in Shugpa Village. Others are Lo Palsang, Pema Gyalo, Yonten Kyab, Taga, Kunga Tenzin, Dawa Tashi, Karma Tashi, Tashi Gonpo, Kunga Sherab, Yeshi, Jamyang Sonam, Tashi, Tsering, Gyalug, Thubten Choephel, Lakyab, Wangchen, Bhumo, Tsogyal, Pugyal, Yangchen Lhamo, Tsekyab Wangmo, Yeshi Dolma and Yangchen Palmo.

Most of the detainees included in the list were among those taken to hospitals in neighbouring places such as Kyegundo in Yushul Prefecture after getting injured during the shooting incident. They were later brought back to the detention centre.

According to the source, the detainees’ lives are in grave danger as Chinese authorities continue to deprive them of medical treatment and bar visitors from meeting them.










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