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Visiting Chinese president likely to raise Tibet issue with India

Saibal Dasgupta, TNN|August 30, 2014

BEIJING: Chinese president Xi Jinping is expected to question the existence of the Tibetan government in exile in Dharamshala during his India visit in September, a Chinese expert told TOI.

“I expect the Chinese president to raise the issue of the Dalai Lama’s role in India,” said Ma Jiali, an expert on India at the Communist Party School in Beijing.

“I think he will ask his Indian counterpart to make sure that New Delhi keeps its promise not to allow Tibetans to conduct political activity in China,” Ma said.

When it was pointed out that India did not allow anti-China activities, and went to great lengths to stop Tibetan rebels from holding protests against any visiting Chinese dignitary, Ma said, “The Tibetan government-in-exile is a political activity against China…India should keep its promise about adhering to one-China policy and give no importance to forces trying to split China.”

Asked if President Xi will specifically ask the Indian government to close down the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamshala, Ma said, “We wish to discuss this matter. I expect the Chinese president to raise this issue during his meetings with Indian leaders.”

Chinese officials and the Dalia Lama’s representatives have held nine meetings to resolve their differences. Representatives of the Nobel prize winning monk say China goes through the motions of negotiations but doesn’t address the genuine grievances of the Tibetan people.

China says India-based Tibetan leader is an anarchist who refuses to accept Chinese control over Tibet. There can be no fruitful discussion unless the monk accepts the integrity of China including the Tibetan speaking areas, it says.

Recent reports from Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, suggest China is still in talks with representatives of the Dalai Lama to resolve differences. This is significant because Chinese leaders have repeatedly described the Tibetan leader as a separatist out to split China, and also a “wolf in monk’s clothing”.

“Dalai Lama talks about greater autonomy for Tibetan speaking areas. But he actually instigates the rebels to work for independence of Tibet,” Ma said. “But we still want to talk to his representatives, and try to solve the problem.”

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