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Gonpo Kyi protests again fighting for her brother’s justice

Gonpo Kyi with the bruises after she was beaten by authorities outside the notorious Drapchi prison in Lhasa on Monday. Image: screenshot from the video

By Tsering Choephel

DHARAMSALA, 3 Aug: Gonpo Kyi, who has been fighting justice for her incarcerated brother for over a decade now, has again staged a protest in front of Drapchi prison on 1 August, appealing to the Chinese authorities to allow a meeting as promised but to no avail. 

In the latest two videos she has shared online, Gonpo Kyi questions the authorities’ adherence to the country’s law and exposes their discriminating treatment of Tibetans like herself. 

“In the nation’s law – does it say that leaders should fool people? Is cheating people your given duty?” Gonpo Kyi questions the authority, who, despite their assurance, to her that she would be allowed to meet her brother in July, has beaten her instead when she went to the Drapchi prison on Tuesday. 

“I went to the prison and appealed to them, according to the nation’s law – to let me meet my brother,” she said. But the police accused her act of prostration as a breach of law and dragged and beat her around before forcing her to return home. 

In the video, she shows bruises inflicted by a group of security police. 

According to multiple reports, Chinese authorities in occupied Tibet have since censored and deleted the videos from online platforms. 

Her brother Dorjee Tashi was once a successful hotelier businessman involved in many philanthropic works. Following the 2008 pan-Tibetan uprising in Lhasa, he was arrested and given a life sentence in prison on trumped-up charges, without proper trials. 

Gonpo Kyi and family members have been working on the appeal process for re-trial multiple times to the concerned Chinese authorities but to no avail. Despite the arrests, beatings and threats she received from the Chinese authority – she continue to seek and fight for justice for her brother. 

The sibling duo, Dorjee Tashi and Gonpo, was awarded the 2023 ‘Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche Medal of Courage.’

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