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17th TPIE commences its first session, approves three Kalons 

DHARAMSALA, 11 Oct: The 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile (TPIE) today commenced its first session to be held over 11-12 Oct. and gave their approval for three members of the 16th Kashag (Tibetan cabinet) nominated by Sikyong Penpa Tsering.

Declaring the commencement of the first session of the 16th TPIE, the Speaker of the House Ven Khenpo Sonam Tenphel extended his warm wishes to the Tibetan legislators. He then declared that resolving the issue of Tibet besides fulfilling the aspirations of the Tibetans inside Tibet and looking after the welfare of the Tibetans in exile are the duties entrusted by the Charter of the Tibetans-in-Exile to the lawmakers.

The speaker of the house further urged the parliamentarians to respect each other’s opinions.

Sikyong Penpa Tsering greeted the legislators and assured absolute cooperation from his new cabinet in endeavours to strengthen the Tibetan movement and to resolve the Tibet issue.

The legislators passed eight resolutions to condole the demise of two former parliamentarians and prominent Tibet supporters. Besides, the Tibetan MPS also expressed their solidarity with the suffering of the Tibetans inside Tibet

The lawmakers also proposed a resolution to thank His Holiness the Dalai Lama for his counsel that put an end to the Tibetan parliament stalemate that lasted for nearly 4 months.

While three nominees were approved through a majority vote by the Tibetan legislators, two Kalon nominees failed to secure the majority votes and that the session of the house came to an abrupt end as the sixth nominee for the 16th Kashag couldn’t proceed as the house fell short of the quorum to continue its session.

As many as 18 Tibetan MPs staged a walkout as they objected to the former representative of the Tibet Bureau- Geneva  Ngodup Tsering’s nomination for the 16th Kashag.

The details of the vote are as follows:

Norzin Dolma, former Director of Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy received 27 approval votes.

Tharlam Dolma, a former school teacher and school administrator received 27 approval votes 

Gyari Dolma, former Kalon received 30 approval votes.

Thupten Lungri, former Kalon received only 18  approval votes.

Tsultrim Dorjee, the TCV Director received only 12 approval votes.

Thupten Lungri and Tsultrim Dorjee failed to get the minimum required votes, 23 approval(simple majority) to be elected as Kalon by the parliament.

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