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2023 favourable for Dalai Lama’s enduring wish to visit Tibet and China: Sikyong

CTA President addressing the gathering at the annual prayer service. Image: Tibet.net.

DHARAMSALA, 9 March: Revealing a “propitious prescient” indicated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his recent audience with him, the President of the Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) Penpa Tsering has said that the Tibetan spiritual leader’s enduring wish to visit Tibet and China could happen this year.

“His Holiness mentioned the auspicious divination indicating this year to be favourable and hopeful for his enduring wish to visit Tibet and China,” the CTA’s official website, tibet.net quoted the President as saying in its report.

President Penpa Tsering has made the remarks during the CTA’s annual prayer service to recall and pay tribute to the peaceful Tibetan demonstrators of the 1989 Uprising in Tibet against the Chinese government on Thursday.

The political head of the Tibetan people has also spoken about the Dalai Lama’s “deep-seated desire to visit Tibet this year.” 

Organised by its Department of Religion, the Tibetan administration holds the prayer service on 8 March annually to recall and pay tribute to Tibetans who have risked their life and limb for the cause of Tibet during the peaceful demonstrations of  1989.

He added that exiled Tibetans remember and recall the sacrifices of peaceful protestors through the annual prayer service while expressing their heartfelt solidarity with them.

He further said, “As we commemorate the event, we are simultaneously reminded that even now, Tibet remains in a dire situation and Tibetans are subjected to a series of repressive measures.” 

President Tsering concluded by declaring that Tibetans “must remain hopeful and reassured that our struggle will succeed.”

After the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959, Tibetans took to the streets to protest against China’s repressive rule in Tibet during the Tibetan uprisings in 1987, 1988 and 1989.  The peaceful and non-violent protests were suppressed by a large number of Chinese army with brutal force, indiscriminately shooting at and killing many Tibetans on the spot while many were injured and arrested.

Apart from the CTA’s  President Penpa Tsering, the prayer service was also attended by the Acting Chief Justice Commissioner Karma Dadul, Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Kalons (Ministers) and senior officials of the CTA.

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