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49th TYC Working Committee Meeting kicks off in Dehradun

DHARAMSALA, Aug 6: The 49th Working Committee Meeting of Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), the largest pro-independence organization, began earlier today at Dekyiling Tibetan settlement in Dehradun.

Gyari Dolma, former Kalon (Minister) of the Central Tibetan Administration attended the opening ceremony of the 49th TYC Working Committee Meeting as the Chief Guest and addressed the gathering while TYC President Tenzing Jigme spoke about the organization’s aims and goals for the future.

Around 150 executive members from 35 regional chapters of TYC have gathered for the five-day meeting to be held over August 6-10.

The executive members of TYC will discuss on issues related to the security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and on issues related to the future work of the organization.


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