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Bill to recognize “Tibet Autonomous Region as a separate, independent country” tabled in US congress

DHARAMSALA, 26 May: US House Representative Scott Perry from Pennsylvania introduced a bill  to “authorize the President to recognize the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China as a separate, independent country, and for other purposes.”

The Bill labelled (H.R. 6948) was referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and introduced to the lower house of the US Congress on Tuesday, 19 May, according to, the online database of United States Congress legislative information.

Rep Scott Perry has previously signed the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission’s bipartisan letter to the US Secretary of State in May 2019 that urged President Trump to promptly implement key legislations—Tibet Policy Act of 2002 and the 2018 Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act—passed by Congress to guide United States policy on Tibet.

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