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China buying Indian media for propaganda gimmick

By Tsewang Gyalpo Arya | 16th December 2019.
Hindustan Times, one of the leading Indian dallies, has on its Friday issue [13/12/2019] carried a full-page supplement with two ostensible articles by some Yuan Shenggao under the sponsorship of China Watch Daily, a mouthpiece of the Chinese communist regime. The articles are titled “Decades of progress highlighted”1 and “Unparalleled change experienced within a space of generation”2.  

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5th Prof Dawa Norbu Memorial Lecture

Tibet Forum- JNU organised the 5th Dawa Norbu Memorial Lecture on 1st April 2019. We invited Mr. Jamyang Norbu to deliver a lecture in the auditorium of the School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University. The lecture was followed by a Young Scholars’ session where four papers on Tibet related issues were presented. The Tibet Fund gave us the necessary financial aid for this event. This memorial lecture is in continuation with the last year’s lecture delivered by Professor Tsering Shakya.

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Tibetan Buddhism cannot serve Chinese ambitions 

After suppressing religion for 60 years, Beijing’s policy of using Buddhism to help foreign policy is doomed to failure
Sang Jieja | UCA News.com | Nov 9, 2018
In between the Sino-American trade war which has triggered a full-scale confrontation, the so-called One Belt, One Road initiative peddled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is also attracting opposition in European countries.

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My personal audience with His Holiness

Jamyang Norbu | Shadow Tibet | May 30, 2018

All the delegates at the 5th International Rangzen Conference received a group audience and a photo opportunity with the Dalai Lama on the last day of the conference. It was a large group and I was kneeling close by his feet (he was standing) so most probably he didn’t see me. I understand he later asked why I was not there? That afternoon I received a phone call from the Private Office saying his Holiness wanted to see me.

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