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China frowns over G7 resolution backing Hong Kong protests

Police officers pictured firing tear gas at protesters. Image: Reuters.

DHARAMSALA, 28 Aug: China has voiced “strong dissatisfaction” over the joint statement issued by the G7 leaders that supported the mass pro-democracy protest in Hong Kong and reminded Beijing of its obligations laid out in a 1984 agreement with Britain.

“We express our strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the statement made by the leaders of the G7 summit on Hong Kong affairs,” Reuters quoted the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang as saying at a press briefing in Beijing.

The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman has further accused the G7 of meddling in China’s internal affairs.

“We have repeatedly stressed that Hong Kong’s affairs are purely China’s internal affairs and that no foreign government, organisation or individual has the right to intervene,” Geng Shuang has added.

Leaders of the G7 member countries have backed Honk Kong’s autonomy as laid out in the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984, and called for calm in the city engulfed in anti-government protests according to numerous news reports.

“The G7 reaffirms the existence and importance of the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 on Hong Kong and calls for violence to be avoided,” declared the joint statement issued by leaders of the G7 countries on Monday.

Meanwhile, China has been accusing external interference in the ongoing mass protest in Hong Kong particularly the likes of the US, Britain and the EU.

Mass protests have gripped Hong Kong since June earlier this year. It was sparked by a controversial bill that would allow Hong Kongers to be extradited to mainland China.

Though the controversial bill has since been suspended, protesters are demanding the bill be shelved completely, the resignation of Hong Kong Chief executive Carrie Lam, an inquiry into police brutality, the release of all the arrested protesters and greater democratic reforms in Hong Kong.

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