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China luring ‘disgruntled Tibetan refugees’ in Northeast to spy on India: IB

By Lobsang Tenchoe

DHARAMSALA, Jan 6: The Intelligence Bureau (IB) has warned that China is luring disgruntled Tibetan refugees from Northeast India to work as its spies.

rdhsn0igeiacg_smallIndia’s internal intelligence agency has issued a series of alerts warning that Tibetan refugees settled in Northeast India are being approached by China to provide strategic information about the area, reported theprint.in.

The report, citing a source from the IB, stated that China has allegedly managed to convince a number of young Tibetan refugees to work as its spies in exchange for money and still aims to recruit more.

The source from the IB has stated that China had been eyeing ‘disgruntled Tibetan refugees’ in the region for the past two years and that many of the Tibetan refugees recruited have already left to China.

“It appears to be China’s strategy to make a base in India to create a channel, through which it can constantly receive relevant strategic information,” the report said, citing the unnamed source from IB.

The same source has further described the present generations of Tibetan refugees as a ‘volatile’ and ‘vulnerable’ lot targetted  by China with promise of money, good job and education for their children as Tibetan refugees long for good life but do not have any job opportunities.

While the local police in the region have been notified about the threat, a report is being prepared to be sent to India’s Ministry of Home Affairs. Scrutiny of Tibetan refugees in the region may start soon.

Earlier in December, a suspected Chinese spy was arrested by Assam Rifles jawans  from the Myanmar border in the northeastern border state of Manipur.

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