CTA asks Tribune to publish corrigendum for misquoting President Sangay
By Lobsang Tenchoe
DHARAMSALA, Dec 15: The Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) has written to The Tribune to publish a corrigendum after it ran a report, ‘Dalai Lama headed to China on pvt visit?’ mistaking CTA President’s remark on Proffesor Samdhong Rinpoche’s reported visit to China to that of His His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s.

“Wrong Quote/Headline. President Dr Lobsang Sangay was asked about Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s reported visit to China and the reporter Ajay Banerjee mistook it for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We have written to Tribune to publish a corrigendum,” says a post on the official Facebook account of CTA’s Department of Information and International Relations.
The report on The Tribune stated that the Tibetan spiritual leader could possibly head to China on a private visit and claimed that CTA’s President Sangay responded in affirmative on the matter.
A video posted on the official Facebook account of CTA’s Tibet TV clearly showed President Sangay responding to India’s Former Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal on Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s reported visit to China on the sidelines of the Third ML Sondhi Memorial Lecture.
“I called my predecessor, Prof Samdhong Rinpoche to ask him what I should say about the reports of his visit to China as its in the news. I was told, since I have not officially reported to you, so you don’t know,” Sikyong Sangay says in the video and quickly adds, “I think we should not read too much. At most it’s a private visit and it’s too early to say anything.”
The Tribune has now changed its head line from ‘Dalai Lama headed to China on pvt visit? to ‘Former Tibetan government head visited China recently’.