CTA President calls on China to resume dialogue after latest self-immolation in Tibet
By Lobsang Tenchoe
DHARAMSALA, March 8: The President of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has expressed deep concern over Tsego’s self-immolation and called on China to heed to the calls of Tibetans in Tibet by resuming dialogue with the Tibetan representatives to resolve the Tibetan issue.

“Such sacrifices by Tibetans in Tibet evidences that repression in Tibet under the Chinese rule is making lives unlivable. Therefore it is time the Chinese Government heed to the calls of Tibetans in Tibet,” a report on CTA’s official web page, Tibet.net quoted President Sangay as saying.
According to the report, The political head of the Tibetan people has further stated that China must address the legitimate grievances of people in Tibet and called on China to resume dialogue with the Tibetan representatives to resolve the Tibetan issue amicably through the middle way approach.
Tsego, a Tibetan man self-immolated yesterday in an apparent protest against China’s repressive rule in Tibet around 3:30pm(local Time) in Meruma Township in Ngaba region in the traditional Tibetan province of Amdo and succumbed to his burns.
The 44-year-old son of late Kadhak and Kyi Lha hails from nomadic camp No. 4 in Meruma Township from Ngaba County. During the 2008 Pan-Tibet Uprising, the Chinese authorities have imprisoned his two brothers. Bothe his brothers were monk, while one of them was released from Chinese prison albeit in terrible health condition and passed away after few months due to inhumane torture he was subjected to while in prison.

Since Feb 2009, over 150 Tibetans have self-immolated in China occupied Tibet calling for freedom, an end to Chinese occupation of Tibet and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet. Tsego is the first Tibetan to have self-immolated in 2018 protesting against Chinese rule in Tibet.
Though the Central Tibetan Administration headquartered in Dharamsala has repeatedly urged Tibetans not to resort to drastic measures such as self-immolation, the saga of fiery protests by the Tibetans continues.