CTA’s Education Department launches Tibetan Terminology App
DHARAMSALA, 6 June: The Education Department of the Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) launched its first Tibetan Terminology App – Tibterm today at Lhakpa Tsering hall in Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala.
Education Kalon Dr Pema Yangchen, Education Secretary Karma Singey and the Chief Editor of Tibetan Terminology Desk Ogyen Tenzin launched terminology department’s app, ‘Tibterm’ which is available for Android and IOS devices along with the 12th volume of ‘Glossary of standard Tibetan Terms’- a compilation of the previous 11th Glossary of Standardised Terms.
Education Kalon Dr Pema Yangchen called education the epitome of one’s culture and identity in her address and urged Tibetans across India and abroad to preserve and promote it and to converse in proper Tibetan especially with kids, reports, tibet.net, the official website of CTA.
As research findings have suggested that 9 languages get extinct every year, the responsibility falls collectively on Tibetans to preserve and safeguard the Tibetan language, the Education Kalon has said in the report.
Commenting on the launch, the Chief Editor and Head of the Terminology Desk, said in a tibet.net, the official website of Central Tibetan Administration report that ‘Tibterm’ which is available for both Android and IOS devices aims to create a mass convenience of accessing the use of Tibetan terminology and to formulate universally accepted terms.
The department has always considered the protection and preservation of the Tibetan language equally important with its promotion and usage, Ogyen Tenzin has said in the report.
‘Tibterm’ was developed by Dachompa Tech LLP, a Bengaluru based Tibetan IT company and the project was generously funded by DANIDA, Denmark.