Dalai Lama congratulates Macron on re-election as French President

DHARAMSALA, 25 April: The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has congratulated the French President Emmanuel Macron after he comfortably won re-election to a second term battering his far-right challenger, Marine Le Pen on Sunday.
Congratulating the French President on his re-election and wishing him every success in his second term in the office, the Dalai Lama has written in a missive addressed to Macron, “I wish you every success in meeting the challenges that lie ahead in fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the French people and in contributing to a more peaceful and harmonious world.”
France being one of Tibet’s strongest supporters in Europe, the Tibetan Nobel Laureate has expressed his gratitude on behalf of Tibetans and said that “It has been the Tibetan people’s good fortune, to have received the friendship and encouragement of the people of France and their respective leaders in our endeavour to protect and preserve our ancient Buddhist culture, a culture of peace, non-violence (Ahimsa) and compassion (Karuna) that has the potential to benefit the whole of humanity.”
Minutes after his reelection, Macron, the first French President in 20 years to win re-election has declared his a victory, a victory for “a more independent France and a stronger Europe.”
In 2017, Emmanuel Macron became the youngest leader of France since Napoleon and the country’s youngest president of all time after battering his opponent, Marine Le Pen with a huge margin of over 20 per cent of the total votes.