Department of Health declares April ‘Health Promotion and Disease Prevention’ month
DHARAMSALA, April 6, 2016: Adhering to the saying ‘Prevention Is Better Than Cure’, the Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration has declared the month of April, 2016 as “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention” month.
Based on data available from various sources, the Health Department has identified diseases such as Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Liver Cancer, Stomach/Esophageal Cancer, Hypertension, Cervical Cancer, Diabetes, and HIV AIDS common disease afflicting the Tibetan community which requires priority preventive interventions.
In a statement published on CTA’s official website, the Health Department has The Health Department has urged Chief Representative Officer in Bangalore, Settlement Officers, Men-tsee-khang, Medical Officers, Hospital Administrators, School Heads, University Youth Hostels and heads of Monasteries in India and Nepal to organize a sustained innovative “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention” activities throughout the month of April with main focus on prevention of the above mentioned diseases.
Additionally it has requested all, as a first step, to create behavior changing awareness on following diseases:
(1) Tuberculosis
(2) Hepatitis B
(3) Diabetes, Hypertension and other Non-communicable diseases
(5) Cancers (Liver Cancer, Stomach Cancer, Cervical Cancer)
Every year, April 7th is commemorated as World Health Day to mark the founding of World Health Organization. This year’s theme is “Beat Diabetes”.
In yet another act of generosity by the Government of India towards exiled Tibetans who have been living in India for the past more than 50 years, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GOI has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Tibetan administration’s Department of Health (officially registered in the name of Tibetan Voluntary Health Association under the Indian Society Registration Act XXI 1860) for TB prevention and control project in Tibetan refugee community in India with a grant for two and a half years.
A press release published on April 5 on CTA’s website further stated that the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has agreed to fund the Central TB Division, MOH&FW for “Providing Universal Access to TB/DR TB Control Services and Strengthening Civil Society in TB Care and Control “under grant agreement (Grant number– IDA-T-CTD) from 1st Oct 2015 to 31st December 2017.