Hong Kong records first ever independence rally
By Lobsang Tenchoe
DHARAMSALA, August 6: Hong Kong has made history by staging its first ever pro-independence rally as thousands flocked at city’s main government complex on Friday.
The Hong Kong National Party organized the mass peaceful protest on Aug 5, calling for Hong Kong to be separated from mainland China following Hong Kong election official’s decision to ban five pro-independence candidates from standing in elections to the city’s legislature to be held in September this year.

Addressing thousands of protesters of all ages congregated at a park near the government’s harbour-front headquarters holding “Hong Kong Independence” placards and flags, 25-year-old Chan Ho-tin, the National Party’s convenor declared that his organization did not plan to remain on the sidelines but intended ‘to govern,’ reports Time.com August 5.
The pro-democracy activists were deemed dangerous, and lunatic fringe post pro-democracy Umbrella Revolution in 2014.
Edward Leung, leader of the new party ‘Hong Kong Indigenous’ who was earlier banned from standing in city’s legislature was thunderously applauded as he addressed the crowd.
“Hong Kong’s sovereignty doesn’t belong to Xi Jinping, the Communist Party, the Chinese or local governments – the sovereignty always belongs to us,” the independence activist Leung was quoted as saying in the same same report.
A series of events such as Beijng’s growing encroachment on Hong Kong’s freedom, including abduction and detention of Hong Kong book sellers by the Chinese authorities have contributed to the resentment of the Hong Kongers and driven them to call for separate state.
Reflecting the clear sentiments of the Hong Kongers, a 30-yr-old mother of two, who brought her children to the rally was quoted as saying in the report,“If Hong Kong doesn’t become independent, our next generation’s well-being will be hampered.”
The way China has used its muscle to clamp down on Tibetan and Uyghur people calling for independence, Beijing is unlikely to shy away from taking extreme steps to quell the peaceful protesters.
“Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst” Joshua Wong, the popular Hong Kong student leader told ABC’s The World program.