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Kashag lists stability & unity its prime concern, swallows TSJC verdict

DHARAMSALA, 1 Nov: The Kashag(Cabinet) of the Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) has accepted the ruling of the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission(TSJC) stating that the stability of the administration and the unity within the community is its prime concern.

Although the verdict of the TSJC was not satisfactory and that the public has expressed sadness over the unjust ruling, we will honour it considering the importance of the stability of the administration and the unity within the community, read the circular issued today Kashag in Tibetan on bod.asiathe official webpage of the CTA.

The Kashag has further urged the general public to work towards maintaining peace and harmony within the community.

The Tibetan cabinet now has until 15 November to pay the fees of the plaintiff’s lawyer which amounts to INR 98,700 and to issue an apology to the plaintiff in all the news outlets of the CTA in Tibetan as well as in English through the court within 30 days since the court announced its ruling.

The TSJC cleared former Tibetan Representative of North America, Penpa Tsering of all charges cited by the Kashag for his ousting as it announced the verdict of the case no 20 on 14 October.

Registered as case no 20 in the TSJC here in Dharamsala, it is a defamation case filed by Penpat Tsering, the dismissed Representative of the Office of Tibet in Washington, CTA’s mission in North America.

The 1,028-page verdict of the TSJC stated that the Kashag did not follow proper rules and regulations over its decision to dismiss former Representative Penpa Tsering from the Office of Tibet in Washington while declaring that the plaintiff has proved its entire arguments with the defendant failed to prove entire 14 points required of it by the court.

Penpa Tsering was terminated from the office as per Chapter 1 Article 1(3) of the Tibetan Charter and Article 19(1) of the Tibetan Public Service Commission rules and regulations according to a circular issued on 7 Nov 2017 by the Kashag cited growing trust deficit, underperformance and insubordination as key reasons in its 10-point clarification issued on 18 Nov 2017.

Penpa Tsering filed the case in the exile Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission challenging the reasons cited by Kashag for his termination from the office in May last year.

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