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No major concern over His Holiness’ health says his personal physician and secretary

DHARAMSALA, 10 April: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s personal physician and secretary assured the public of no major concern over the Tibetan spiritual leader’s health.

The Dalia Lama was admitted at the Max Super Specialty hospital in Saket, South Delhi with ‘minor’ chest infection after he was flown to Delhi on Tuesday, a day after he returned following a five-day schedule in the Indian capital where he presided over the Global Launch of SEE Learning curriculum.

The Tibetan octogenarian leader was flown to Delhi for a check-up after he felt some discomfort, Reuters reported his personal secretary Tenzin Taklha as saying.

“Doctors have diagnosed him with a chest infection and he is being treated for that. His condition is stable now. He will be treated for two-three days here,” he added.

Dr Tsetan Dorjee, the personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama assured the public that the Dalai Lama there is no major concern over his health.

The personal physician said that His Holiness was diagnosed with a “minor chest infection”

following the checkup after contracting cold and fever and added it has already subsided.

“Cold and fever have already subsided, he is stable now and will be recuperating at the hospital here for Two-Three Days,” Dr Tsetan Dorjee added.

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