Now Ration Card And Homes Too For Tibetans
[FPJ Bureau] NEW DELHI, Jan 15: After right to vote in the Indian elections, the exiled Tibetans living in India as refugees have been extended the PDS (public distribution system) and houses under the Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY).
The move is part of the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy announced by the Modi Government last October. The Centre has asked the state governments to extend benefits of the central and state programmes, including Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, and provide subsidies to the Tibetan children in schools and universities to pursue professional courses like engineering and medical sciences.
The policy enables the Tibetan refugees to pursue jobs across all sectors as per their professional qualifications like teaching, nursing, medicine, engineering and chartered accountancy.
An amendment has been made in the Indira Awaas Yojana guidelines to include the Tibetans as the new category entitled for benefit of the 1985 scheme for providing houses to homeless poor families and those living in dilapidated and kutcha houses.
The policy also envisages lease of the land given to the Tibetan refugees for rehabilitation to Dalai Lama’s Central Tibetan Relief Committee to use for educational, cultural, residential or commercial purposes.