Shenphen Charitable Trust and Bharat Matha Degree College Collaborate for Indo-Tibetan Youth Meet

By Tsering Choephel
DHARAMSALA, 13 Sept: The inaugural Indo-Tibetan Youth Meet took place at Bharat Matha Degree College in Koppa, Karnataka on Monday. Around 180 students from eight different local Tibetan and Indian schools participated in this significant event.
This collaborative effort was organized by the Shenphen Charitable Trust, based in Mysore, and Bharat Matha Degree College in Koppa, Karnataka, South India. The primary focus of the first Indo-Tibetan Youth Meet was “Career and Secular Ethics.”
The organizers’ objectives in launching this initiative are twofold: to provide “career guidance” while promoting awareness of “secular ethics.”

Furthermore, the event served as a platform for young Indians and Tibetans to exchange knowledge and experiences, facilitated by improved communication.
The long-term goal of this initiative is to nurture future community leaders who possess a profound understanding of each other, fostering a harmonious relationship.
In a commitment to persist in pursuing its noble aspirations, the Chairman of the Shenphen Charitable Trust, Ven Sonam Phuntsok, announced that they will organize such meetings annually.