
Task Force meeting on Sino-Tibet negotiation begins in Dharamsala

DHARAMSALA, Jan 6: A two-day Task Force meeting on Negotiation began Jan 5 in Dharamsala to discuss and review the prospects of dialogue process in the light of prevailing situation inside Tibet and China.

This is the 27th Task Force meeting since its inception in 1999 and 5th since Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, the elected head of the Tibetan people took charge of the political affairs of the Tibetan people in 2011.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay presides over the task force meeting on Sino-Tibetan negotiations in Dharamshala on 5 January 2014/DIIR photo
Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay presides over the task force meeting on Sino-Tibetan negotiations in Dharamshala on 5 January 2014/DIIR photo

During the last meeting held in Dharamsala from Sep 5-7, 2013, the Task Force of Negotiation was expanded with the inclusion of six new members, former Kalon Tripa Professor Samdhong Rinpoche, Lobsang Nyandak, former Kalon and Executive Director of Tibet Fund, Mr Tashi Phuntsok, Secretary of Department of Information and International Rrelations, Mr Sonam Tsering Frasi, former Tibetan Parliamentarian from Europe, Mr Phagpa Tsering, Secretary of Department of Security and Mr Kunga Tashi, Chinese Liaison Officer, Office of Tibet, New York.

The Task Force on Sino-Tibetan negotiation was constituted to help recommend policy matters and strategies to find a peaceful and mutually acceptable negotiated resolution to the issue of Tibet.

Nine rounds of talks were held between the envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and representatives of China’s United Front Work Department since 2002.

During the course of nine rounds of Sino-Tibetan talks, the Tibetan side has presented to the Chinese leadership a Memorandum and Note seeking genuine autonomy for Tibet as enshrined in the Chinese constitution and Law on Regional National Autonomy.

The ninth and the last round of talks was held in 2010 and in 2012, the envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama resigned from their positions citing overall deteriorating situation inside Tibet and “lack of willingness and sincerity” from the Chinese side.



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