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TCHRD questions China’s credibility as Beijing hosts forum on Global Human Rights Governance

DHARAMSALA, 14 June: Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy(TCHRD) has questioned the ethical and moral legitimacy of China to host a forum on Global Human Rights Governance. 

“In what manner does #China possess the #ethical and #moral legitimacy to host a forum on Global Human Rights Governance?” the Dharamsala-based rights group has said in a tweet as the Forum on Global Human Rights Governance kicked off in Beijing today.

As TCHRD cautioned China’s credibility to hold an international Human Rights forum in Beijing, it is important to note that the US-based watchdog group Freedom House has declared Tibet and Syria as the least-free country in the world for a third year in a row in 2023. 

Additionally, TCHRD launched its 2022 Annual Report on the human rights situation in Tibet in March declaring that the Human rights situation in Tibet in 2022 has been one of the worst in recent years.

Meanwhile, Chinese state-run media, China Daily reported that the forum is expected to attract over 300 participants from nearly 100 countries and international organisations including from the United Nations (UN) agencies over 14-15 June.

The forum titled “Equality, Cooperation and Development: The 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and Global Human Rights Governance” is jointly hosted by China’s Information Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Development Cooperation Agency.

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