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‘Tibetan parliament issues resolution against Dorjee Shugden’

By Yogesh Puri [Mizo News]

DHARAMSALA, Mar 21: Tibetan sect, followers of ‘Dorjee Shugden’ also known as Dolgyal, opposing Dalai Lama from last long time had also protested publically demanding religious freedom. Tibetan Parliament in exile (TPiE) during its ongoing budget session has passed a resolution against the community. Dolgyal is considered as harmful spirit by Dalai Lama followers for Tibet’s common spiritual and political interests.

TPiE recognized that the actions of these followers are a political tool to create discord within the Tibetan community under the influence and deception of monetary gains, and to denigrate the Dalai Lama with baseless allegations.

Raking up the security issue referring to the suggestions of security agencies of US and India, the Parliament in exile mentioned in its resolution on the need to ensure greater security for the Dalai Lama. It further added that the Tibetan administration and the entire Tibetan people must remain vigilant.

“The Department of Security, the local Tibetan administration, and the Representatives of the Offices of Tibet should maintain close coordination with the central and state government of India and concerned governments of the overseas countries respectively in advance to ensure greater security for the Dalai Lama during his visits” stated parliament in exile in a statement issued after passing resolution.

Parliament directed the cabinet to carry out a thorough investigation into real motives of these followers for their recent activities in San Francisco and accordingly issue firm directives to prevent future incidents.

TPiE maintained that a small number of ignorant propitiators have no consideration for Tibet’s spiritual and political interests and the personal security of the Dalai Lama.

“They are being deceived by the Chinese government through monetary and material incentive and are used as political tools. They have been also instigating foreigners to carry out disinformation campaigns at every opportunity. In a recent incident in San Francisco, they employed a handful of people, who are completely ignorant about the basic principles of Buddhism, to slander the Dalai Lama with baseless accusations” said Parliament in its statement.

Parliament maintained that to present these misdeeds for fair and correct understanding of the Tibetan people and the people of the world who support truth and justice, it is imperative that the following resolution be passed to reiterate and implement the earlier resolutions adopted by the House.


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