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Trump’s possible candidate for director of national intelligence calls China most important adversary

By Lobsang Tenchoe

DHARAMSALA, Dec 13: Carly Fiorina, the likely candidate of President-elect Donald Trump’s director of national intelligence, calls China America’s most important adversary after the duo’s meeting.

The president-elect and his former presidential rival, Carly Fiorina met on Monday to discuss the director of national intelligence position, the New York Times reported, citing a senior Trump transition team member.

Fiorina lauded Trump’s cabinet pick as fantastic and high quality and described their meeting a really productive one and said the pair discussed China as ‘probably our most important adversary’.

15554967_1351608334883573_1816495730_n“(We) spent a fair amount of time talking about China as probably our most important adversary and a rising adversary. We talked about hacking, whether it’s Chinese hacking or purported Russian hacking. We talked about the opportunity that the President-elect has to literally reset things, to reset the trajectory of this economy, to reset the role of government, to reset America’s role in the world and how we’re perceived in the world,” CNN quoted Fiorina as saying after her meeting with Trump.

Fiorina joins the lists of Trump’s former primary rivals during the presidential transition, which include Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee. He is also set to meet with former Sen. Rick Santorum Monday afternoon.