Tulku Orgyen Topgyal retracts his comments, tenders apology to Dalai Lama

DHARAMSALA, 1 June: Tulku Orgyen Topgyal has retracted his comments on the viability of offering empowerments and blessings online.
While the Tulku’s voice clip that spread like a wildfire across social media platforms wherein he says that such practices violate the tenets of empowerments and that it exhibits and amounts to the degeneration and destroying of the faith, he has now retracted his comments in a missive he addressed to His Holiness the Dalai Lama through his private office.
“I hereby complete retract my remarks over the matter and offer my sincere apology and appeal for His Holiness the Dalai Lam to live a long life,” the Tulku has said on Saturday following the advice he received from his root guru.
Tulku Orgyen Topgyal was heard saying in the voice clip that empowerments can be conferred only when the teacher and student are present before each other physically and not through television screens as he called out the Dalai Lama and other lamas over such practice.
“It violates the tenets of empowerments and such practice exhibits and amounts to the degeneration and destroying of the faith,” the Tulku says in the clip.
The Kashag(Cabinet) of the Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) earlier declared the Tibetan religious figure and former two-time member of the Tibetan parliament in Exile’s remarks on the His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other religious leaders offering empowerments and blessings online as “derogatory and regrettable” adding that it is “wrong.”