TYC commences its 17th General Body Meeting

DHARAMSALA: 11 June: Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest Tibetan NGO supporting complete independence for Tibet, began their 17th General Body Meeting today at the MCD hall in Lower Dharamshala.
With Ajay Singh Mankotia, the President of Dharamsala Indo-Tibetan Friendship Association as the Chief Guest, the members of the standing committee of the Tibetan Parliament, Kasur (former minister) and former TYC President Lobsang Jinpa, heads of Tibetan NGOs and members representing 45 regional chapters of TYC from India and abroad attended the meeting.
Tenzin Jigme, the TYC President opined that to resolve the issue of Tibet, there ought to be different stands.
“TYC stands for Rangzen (independence), it is our birthright and our responsibility as well as a historical fact. But we are not against other stands. The middle way, for instance, we have a deep respect for it. To resolve the Tibetan issue, it is necessary to have different means,” he said.
While eight chapters of RTYC which called for a change in the stance of the organization from Rangzen to Umay Lam (middle way) in 2013 and parted ways with the Central TYC as their demand didn’t materialize, the TYC President urged its six regional chapters who are yet to re-join the Central Tibetan Youth Congress.
“As 2020 marks the 50thfounding anniversary of the TYC, those six chapters should re-join us and mark the anniversary together and this, in turn, will send a strong message to China as well,” he concluded.
Ajay Singh Mankotia in his address expressed the Indo-Tibetan Friendship Association’s deep gratitude to the TYC for inviting him at its General Body Meeting.
“We all sincerely pray that you achieve your aims and objectives and return back to Tibet independently,” Mankotia said and added that “though China has become a global power now, it remains a bully at the core and that no one respects them.”

TYC presented the ‘Martyrs Award’ to Tenzin Choeying who self-immolated on 14 July 2017 for the cause of Tibet. Choeying’s parents collected the award on his behalf.
The organisation also presented awards to its members who have served the organization for over 15 years, distributed awards for the winners of its Tibetan essay competition and class XII Tibetan subject topper in the Board exam.
RTYC Deckyiling was awarded TCY’s excellence award in recognition of its excellent work.
General Body Meeting, held after every three years is the highest decision-making body of the TYC.
During the course of the 6-day meeting, 150 TYC members who have gathered from across the world will elect its new members of the 17th Central Executive Committee, discuss and lay down plans for the organizations’ campaigns and projects for the coming years.