TYC’s month-long Tibet Matters March ends in Tezpur

By Tsering Choephel
DHARAMSALA, 25 May: Tibetan Youth Congress,(TYC) the largest Tibetan NGO in exile concluded its month-long Tibet Matters March at Tezpur on Tuesday having covered over 600 kilometres traversing through Sikkim, West Bengal and Assam.
“Notwithstanding inconveniences of rain, storm, heat and pain of blisters – participants of Tibet Matters March continued with much fortitude and determination and successfully concluded the march at Tezpur,” TYC said on their official Facebook account.
As 23rd May, the day the march concluded, also marks the 72nd-anniversary of the Sino-Tibet ‘Seventeen-Point Agreement’ signed under duress by the Tibetans, TYC has said that it is of historical significance that the march concluded at Tezpur and that they could visit Missamari.
To bring light to public awareness of the real situation of Tibet under Chinese rule, the TYC kicked off the march from Gangtok on 29 April.
Through this activism, TYC also urged the Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi and the leaders of G20 nations to discuss and take action on the Tibet issue during the September G20 Summit to be held in India’s capital New Delhi
Explaining the significance of the place and dates concerned to the March at the concluding ceremony, TYC President Gonpo Dhondup said that “We commemorate 29 April as the ‘martyrs day’ every year. It is the date on which Pawo (Martyr) Thupten Ngodup passed away, 25 years ago.”
He added that concluding the March at Tezpur has historical significance and therefore duly planned.
“Seventy-two years ago, our enemy China forced us to sign the 17-point agreement and it’s a black day for us,” Gonpo said.
“Tezpur was where His Holiness, after arriving in exile (1959), gave his first international press conference during which he repudiated the 17-point agreement signed under duress.”
Gonpo concluded by thanking supporters and the eighty-plus participants in particular.
The concluding ceremony was attended by among others, some members of the Indo-Tibetan friendship association, the Regional TYC and the Regional Tibetan Women’s Association of Tenzing Gang.