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TYC concludes its two-day conference on Relevance and Significance of the Dalai Lama Institution

DHARAMSALA, 25 Aug: The Tibetan Youth Congress(TYC) concluded its conference on the ‘Relevance and Significance of the Dalai Lama Institution’ held at Imperial Heights Resort near here.

The Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA)President Penpa Tsering attended the opening ceremony of the conference as the chief guest which has in attendance over 200 TYC members from its 80 chapters spread across 14 different countries.

The TYC has stated that it hopes the conference will “generate much-needed awareness and understanding of the importance and relevance of the Dalai Lamas and the institution in furthering the interest of the Tibetan nation and people, including finding an amicable solution to the protracted issue of Tibet, promoting Tibetan cultural identity, and safeguarding Tibetan Buddhism”.

“The organiser strongly believes that such understanding ensures continued reverence and support to the leadership of the Dalai Lama and further empowers the institution of the Dalai Lama to play its important role during these critical times of Tibetan history,” TYC added.

The CTA President in his address spoke about the significance of the unity of Tibetans irrespective of the organisations they represent or the ideologies they hold.

Irrespective of the organisations one represents and the ideologies and views one believes in, unity and the collective effort for the Tibetan freedom movement should be the common goal of all, or else the Tibetans risk doing a disservice to their cause, President Tsering said. 

The CTA president further said that the TYC should engage in more political matters adding that the CTA will cater to the welfare of the Tibetans. 

The Middle Way Approach (Umaylam in Tibetan), conceived by the Dalai Lama and adopted unanimously as a policy by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, is the official policy of the Central Tibetan Administration. The Tibetan government in exile has been seeking a mutually acceptable solution to the Tibetan issue with China through the Umaylam since 1974.

The Middle Way Approach does not seek independence, but genuine autonomy within the framework of the People’s Republic of China to ensure the survival of the Tibetan people with its distinct Buddhist cultural heritage and language and the natural environment of the Tibetan plateau.

Meanwhile, the TYC is the largest Tibetan NGO supporting complete independence for Tibet. 

Founded on 7 October 1970 TYC has now grown into 88 regional chapters across the world with more than 35,000 members.

`The four major themes of the conference are Historical Evolution of the Dalai Lama Institution and its Influence on the Tibetan Buddhist World; Geopolitical Significance of the Dalai Lama Institution; Role of the Dalai Lamas in the Tibetan Freedom Struggle and The Future of the Dalai Lama Institution.

The guest speakers of the conference include Dr Thupten Jinpa the Principal Translator of H.H the Dalai Lama, Prof Lobsang Tenzin Negi Executive Director of Compassion Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Geshe Thupten Yarphel Principal, Namgyal School President, Kasur(Former Minister) Lobsang Nyendak President Tibet Fund, Washington DC, Prof Jampa Samten Tibetan Historian from Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Sarnath, Varanasi, Sonam Gyatso, former Tibetan Parliamentarian, Senior professor at Sarah college and Dhondup Tashi Rekjong PhD student in Religious Studies, Weinberg college of arts and Science.

The two-day conference held over 24-25th Aug. was organised by the TYC and funded by the Tibet Fund. 

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