TYC decides not to make amendments to clause one and four of its charter
By Lobsang Tenchoe
DHARAMSALA: September 3: Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) has unanimously decided not to amend clause one and four of its charter as the organisation enters its final day of the 16th General Body Meeting (GBM) being held at the MCD hall in Lower Dharamsala.
Following a lengthy debate and discussion, TYC voted not to amend clause one and four which are said to be contradicting each other. Clause one states that TYC will adhere to and follow the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, whereas clause four proposes to fight for the total independence of Tibet even at the cost of one’s life.
The organization reached the consensus following a ballot which resulted in favor of making no amendments to the said clauses; 54 members voted against amendments to clause while 24 votes favoured an amendment and 45 members voted against amendments to clause four while 39 votes favoured an amendment.
Those who voted against making amendments to the clauses reasoned that Tibetan democracy is a gift from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and by standing for Rangzen, they are actually exercising their democratic rights and further added that the Tibetan spiritual leader has never personally opposed the Rangzen movement and has even said that various stands and opinions on Tibetan movement can arise among the Tibetan people.
Additionally, based on majority vote, TYC decided not to make amendments to a resolution passed during the 2013 General Body meeting to cut ties with the Tibetan National Congress.