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US Special Coordinator for Tibet calls for immediate, unconditional release of Go Sherab Gyatso

DHARAMSALA, 31 Oct: The US Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, Ms Uzra Zeya, has called for the immediate release of a prominent Tibetan monk-writer from Kirti Monastery, Go Sherab Gyatso, who has been imprisoned by Chinese authorities for over three years. 

Ms Zeya stated on X (formerly Twitter), “Over 3 years ago, PRC authorities detained Tibetan monk Go Sherab Gyatso and sentenced him to 10 years in prison based on peaceful advocacy.”

The Biden Administration’s point person for Tibetan issues highlighted the concerning state of Gyatso’s health, emphasising that it continues to deteriorate during his incarceration as the US renewed its plea for the “immediate and unconditional release” of Go Sherab Gyatso while affirming unwavering support for the human rights of all Tibetan individuals.

For the uninitiated, the celebrated Tibetan writer was arbitrarily detained by Chinese secret agents from Lhasa in Chengdu in January 2023 for his advocacy efforts in promoting the human rights and well-being of the Tibetan people. He was later charged with “inciting secession” at a secret trial at the end of 2021 by the Chinese authorities after being held in detention for an extended period.

The case of Go Sherab Gyatso is just one of many instances that have drawn international attention to the human rights situation in Tibet. For a long time, his family, as well as various human rights organisations, have repeatedly expressed concerns about his health and well-being.

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