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We are against destruction of Tibetan religion, culture by CCP : Sydney Tibetan Volunteers Group

By: Sydney Tibetan Volunteers Group

SYDNEY, 12 Jan: The people at this gathering are either Tibetan people or friends and supporters of Tibetan people, helping to bring attention to the destruction and cultural genocide inside their homeland in Tibet.
If you would like to learn more, or you are already a Tibetan friend or supporter, please feel
free to join us. We feel encouraged when we can see that more Australians are becoming
aware of the plight of Tibetan people and joining with us to add support to our advocacy.

Since the Xunhua Incident in April 1958, seen by many as the precursor to the 1959 Tibetan Uprising against the
annexation (1950-51) and increasingly brutal control by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), when
PLA forcefully removed the Tibetan protestors, estimated 87,000 casualties and thousands killed, things
have gone from bad to worse. It is now estimated that over 1.2 million Tibetans have lost their lives to
the Tibetan struggle. Since then, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has controlled the Tibetan
homelands with an iron fist destroyed over 10,000 monasteries, employed sophisticated strategies to
discredit and destroy Tibetan culture, even discouraged the speaking and writing of the Tibetan script
and language, whilst mass relocating huge numbers of Han Chinese into Tibetan homelands, who see
Tibetans as suspicious spies for their Tibetan culture and for living in their homelands. The tyranny and
fear of being a Tibetan under such an oppressive rule is palpable, even when speaking to Tibetans who
successfully fled because they still fear for their family and friends still trapped inside Tibet.

For this reason, every Tibetan who enjoys living in the safety and freedom of a free country feels a
personal responsibility to try to get help for their loved ones still inside Tibet.



As you may be aware, recently Chinese authorities demolished a revered 99-foot tall statue
of Buddha constructed in the Kham Karze Dago region, under the pretext that it was too
tall. The destruction, evictions and arbitrary arrests and imprisonments continue.
The authorities forcefully demolished the 99 feet tall Buddha statue against the will of local Tibetan
This curtails the right to worship and the right to conscience of Tibetans. Moreover, a Tibetan Buddhist
Institute has forcefully been closed down and monks and students forcefully evicted, taken into custody
and beaten. To address this new development to an already urgent situation, we, the Tibetan Volunteers
Group and Tibetan Youth Congress Sydney, have co-organised a protest against China’s
belligerent act, in solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet.

More information is available from the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracyhttps//tchrd.org 30/12/2021

TCHRD has been informed by a reliable source that Chinese authorities in Drango (Ch: Luhuo)
County in Kardze (Ch: Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, in the
Tibetan province of Kham, have in the last two months demolished a Buddhist school and prayer
wheels in the vicinity of Drango monastery and a 99 ft. tall Buddha’s statue located some
distance away. Restrictions are in place to prevent the demolition sites from being photographed
while online platforms are being closely monitored to prevent news and media of the demolition
from being shared outside Drango. Drango Buddhist School Affiliated to Drango.

Tibetan monks beaten, arrested for sharing Buddha statue destruction news — Radio Free Asia

Authorities in western China’s Sichuan province are beating and arresting Tibetan monks
suspected of informing outside contacts about the destruction of a sacred statue, Tibetan sources say.

Email: stvg657@gmail.com

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