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Xi sets fundamental rules to build ‘new modern socialist’ Tibet with ‘impregnable wall’ against separatism

Chinese President Xi Jinping at the seventh Central Symposium on Tibet Work in Beijing. Image: Xinhua

DHARAMSALA, 31 Aug: Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered the top brass of the Chinese Communist Party to build a “new modern socialist” Tibet with an “impregnable wall” against separatism in the Chinese occupied Tibet and the “sinicisation” of the Tibetan Buddhism among others.

Ordering party, government and military leaders to fully implement the CPC’s policies on governing Tibet for a new era, Xi has called for efforts to build a “new modern socialist Tibet,” at CCP’s highest-level meeting on Tibet.

“It is necessary to strengthen the education and guidance of the masses, extensively mobilise the masses to participate in the struggle against separatism, and form an impregnable wall for maintaining stability,” the Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Xi as saying at the seventh Central Symposium on Tibet Work.

The general secretary of the CCP has further stressed on brainwashing Tibetans with political re-education and “sinicisation” of the Tibetan Buddhism declaring that “patriotism should be incorporated into the whole process of education in all schools” and that “It is necessary to actively guide the Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to the socialist society and promote the sinicisation of the Tibetan Buddhism.” 

The CCP’s last symposium on Tibet was held in 2015 and since then, Xi has claimed that 

“Tibet has made comprehensive progress and historic achievements in its various undertakings.”

He has further said that “policies on governing Tibet for a new era have taken shape since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012,” when he took over power and stressed that “CCP leadership, the system of socialism with the Chinese characteristics and the system of regional ethnic autonomy must be upheld to carry out work related to Tibet.”

China’s most important forum for Tibet policies was held over 28-29 August in Beijing.  Xi’s remarks at the two-day event have been lauded by the senior CCP members as the “guiding document” and the “fundamental rules” to build new modern socialist Tibet. 

Meanwhile, in 2020, Tibet has been ranked, yet again, the second least free region in the world for political rights and civil liberties by the US-based NGO Freedom House. For the fifth year in a row, only Syria received a lower score(-3/40 for Political rights and 3/60 for civil liberties) then Tibet from the total of 195 nations and 15 territories surveyed by the Freedom House.

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