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Dalai Lama reaffirms to live over 100 years of age as several Tibetan groups offer him long life prayer

DHARAMSALA 24 June: The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama reaffirmed to live for at least twenty or thirty more years as he attended a long-life prayer offering (tenshug) today at Tsuglag-khang, the main temple here in Mcleod Ganj.

“I am physically sound and mentally sharp and I am sure that I will live for at least twenty or thirty more years,” the eighty-six-year-old Tibetan leader said adding that “you all can feel at ease,” drawing cheers and applauds from the congregation. 

 The Dalai Lama further called on the Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet to hold on to their unwavering dedication which he said is very important added that the “worst is probably over” and that there is a “renewed hope for us now.”

The 86-year-old Tibetan Nobel Laureate has previously spoken about his recurring dreams which indicated that he will live for at least 113 years.

Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, has already surpassed the first Dalai Lama, Gedun Drupa, the longest-lived Dalai Lama. The first Dalai Lama lived till 83 years of age(1391- 1474).

The tenshug began with the offering of the mandala and the threefold representation of the Buddha’s body, speech and mind to the Dalai Lama. Kyabje Samdong Rinpoche led the long-life prayer ceremony as the Dorje Lopon.

The long-life offering was offered collectively by five different Tibetan organizations representing Tibetans inside and outside fromJöl-Kong-Gyel-sum, Yamdrok, Ngari, and Chang-ri and Sera Jey Geshe Dolden Gyatso. 

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