
Other News

Welcome for Pope; Dalai Lama next

The Sunday Times | January 18, 2015

Coming as it did in the immediate aftermath of a hard-fought Presidential election, Pope Francis’ visit to Sri Lanka lost some of the media focus it would otherwise have merited. The local Catholic Church, however, worked silently throughout – with the help of the previous administration, amidst widespread speculation that the Pope might actually cancel his trip.

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Other News

Don’t make yourself at home

The Economist|January 17, 2015

Uighurs and Tibetans feel left out of China’s economic boom; ethnic discrimination is not helping

China is urbanising at a rapid pace. In 2000 nearly two-thirds of its residents lived in the countryside. Today fewer than half do. But two ethnic groups, whose members often chafe at Chinese rule, are bucking this trend.

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