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What should India do to create a win-win situation for itself and Tibetans?

India became independent on August 15, 1947, and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) became independent on October 1, 1949. In the intervening period and before that, Tibet was an independent country. An early understanding with Tibet could have helped India to formulate a clear-cut border, duly ratified by both governments. And if this had been done, India’s borders with China would have also been resolved, thus avoiding the 1962 debacle and other conflicts, including the current stand-off on the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

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Any time anyone anywhere outside China raises violations of the human rights of Tibetans, China instantly and angrily dismisses their concerns as illegitimate interference in China’s sovereign internal affairs. The substance of specific cases, of specific individuals who are being tortured, need never even be looked at, since human rights representations are just an imperialist excuse for meddling in China’s internal affairs. In China’s eyes, all talk of human rights is part of the vast imperialist conspiracy to weaken China, hold it back, prevent its rise.

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Tibet in the Year of the Tiger 

By: Phuntsog Wangyal

The story is about a slogan, “America is a Paper Tiger”. We students had to march often in streets waving red flags and shouting slogans like “We support the people of Chaoxian, Imperialist America is a paper tiger, Victory to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)” and so on. At that time, we had no idea what ‘Chaoxian’ (Korea in Chinese) meant and where America was in the world either. But we knew the tiger, a symbol of power we often see in Tibetan prayer flags. What the Chinese meant was that America is like a Tiger drawn on a piece of paper that looks fearful – but it is just an image that has no real strength.

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By N.S.Venkataraman
The decision of the Government of India not to attend the opening or the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, in response to China’s decision to make a regimental commander of the People’s Liberation Army, who suffered severe injury during the Gulwan clash, a torchbearer at the event, is a clear signal that India has finally decided to confront China once for all.

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