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Chinese Supreme Court Judge disappears after exposing miscarriage of justice

DHARAMSALA, Jan 9: A Chinese Supreme Court Judge has reportedly gone missing after exposing miscarriages of Justice by his supervisors.

Wang Linqing, a judge working for the Chinese Supreme People’s Court, the country’s highest court has gone missing after he exposed information about miscarriages of justice in a 2016 mining-rights case involving billions of dollars, reports the Epoch Times.

The judge’s whereabouts are unknown after Cui Yongyuan, a former host for the Chinese state-controlled China Central Television (CCTV), released a two-part video of his interview on Chinese social media earlier on Jan 2.

It is understood that in the interview, Wang has disclosed how his supervisors had intervened in a high-profile mining case which involved a dispute between resource-extraction companies in China’s northwestern Shaanxi Province.

Wang has also disclosed obstacles he had faced when trying to pass fair judgment in an earlier case involving mine transfer rights between two companies in the province of Shanxi while Du Wanhua, Wang’s supervisor has reportedly made three alterations to the verdict of the case, the report stated.

The video of the interview went viral leading to the disappearance of the judge, it was reported that he was last seen on Jan 3 before he was taken to a hotel near the supreme court building by court investigators, to be interrogated.

The Chinese Supreme Court Judge’s disappearance has left his family a worried lot. Wang was reportedly arrested and punished at the request of his supervisors for “committing serious crimes”earlier in June 2014 but released later as no evidence was found to substantiate his alleged crimes.

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