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Dalai Lama concerned over Liu Xiaobo’s poor health

By Lobsang Tenchoe

DHARAMSALA, June 30: Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has expressed concern over poor health of China’s Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo who was released from prison last week on medical parole after he was diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer.

In a letter to the Liu Xiaobo, the Tibetan Nobel Peace laureate wrote: “I was filled with joy to hear that fellow Nobel Peace Laureate Liu Xiaobo had been released from prison, and then filled with sadness to learn that he is in such poor health.”

Liu Xiaobo’s initiatives for which he was severely punished would have led to a more harmonious, stable and prosperous China, the Dalai Lama opined.

19691453_1573673586010379_1171351176_n“Liu Xiaobo is one of China’s most prominent prisoners of conscience. It is my belief that the initiatives he took, and for which he has been severely punished, would have led to a more harmonious, stable and prosperous China, which in turn would have contributed to a more peaceful world. I was personally moved as well as encouraged when hundreds of Chinese intellectuals and concerned citizens, inspired by Liu Xiaobo, signed Charter 08 calling for democracy, freedom and rule of law in China,” the Dalai Lama said in the missive.

The Tibetan Nobel laureate disclosed that many people who come to visit him often asked him to pray for Liu’s well-being.

“I hope that Liu Xiaobo will now be provided with the best medical treatment available and offer prayers that it will be a success,” the Dalai Lama concluded.

However, despite the US and rights groups appeal to the Chinese government, the 61 years old Chinese dissident has been refused permission to travel overseas to receive cancer treatment, according to latest reports.