
Former Minister appointed His Holiness’ representative at Delhi Bureau

By Lobsang Tenchoe

DHARAMSALA, June 2: Dongchung Ngodup, former Minister for Department of Security of Central Tibetan Administration has been appointed as the new Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Bureau office in New Delhi.

A statement released on June 1, 2016 by the Kashag Secretariat confirmed his appointment.

dongchuk_2016_4_6“Sikyong after conferring with his Kashag (cabinet members) briefed me about my appointment as the new Representative of His Holiness’ Bureau office at New Delhi,” Ngodup explained about his appointment.

“Bureau Office is a huge responsibility as it involves dealing with numerous departments of the Indian Government, international embassies and diplomats as well as managing His Holiness’s foreign trips. But as entrusted by Sikyong with the responsibility, I am fully committed to my new assignment,” Ngodup added.

Ngodup resigned from the post of Minister for Department of Security of the 14th Kashag before completing his term on moral grounds following His Holiness’ passionate disapproval with the administration on several issues at Men-Tsee-Khang’s centenary celebration.

Ngodup has also served at the same post for the 13th Kashag as well.

When questioned why he accepted his appointment after resigning from his former office, “the two posts are not related to each other, I am following the Sikyong’s order,” Ngodup replied.




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