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Former Tibetan national football team goalie passes away

By Lobsang Tenchoe

DHARAMSALA, Feb 1: Tenzin Namgyal, the 40-year old former goalkeeper of Tibetan national football team died yesterday in a hospital after he was found lying unconscious at a cliff near Hemja in Pokhara, Nepal..

“Namgyal was found unconscious at the cliff near Hemja. He was rushed to the fishtail hospital where he was pronounced dead later,” goalnepal.com quoted western region police of Pokhara as saying in its report, Jan 31.

16469096_1411666268877779_1000069742_nTeam mates and fans of Tenzin Namgyal remain in shock following his sudden demise as it is not clear what caused the superstar goalie to collapse at the cliff, investigations are on.

Tenzin Namgyal is from Tashi Palkhyiel Pokhara Tibetan settlement. His standout performance at the coveted Gyalyum Chenmo Memorial Gold Cup tournament with his settlement team has earned him multiple caps for the Tibetan national football team.

Namgyal, who currently plays for Pokhara XI was scheduled to attend the final match of inter ward championship at Pokhara stadium but the news of his sudden death broke out and left his team mates in utter shock.

“I can’t believe this. He was supposed to come to Pokhara stadium to watch the final of inter ward championship this morning. Rest in peace, Namgyal sir. We will miss you,” his team mate Uttam Gurung wrote on facebook.
